Author Instructions

Deadline for abstract/paper submission: October 05, 2018

Abstract/paper acceptance/revision notification: 10 October, 2018

Abstracts/papers are invited in the stated congress themes and/or any discipline involving the any aspect of sport & exercise performance.

-Each submission must be original work that has not been previously presented or published.

-Authors may be named as additional authors on as many other abstracts/papers as they wish.

The submission of your abstract or paper must be  through the by  October 05, 2018.

Editing guidelines:


Abstracts should be one page in length, typed in English and conform to the following guidelines:

Title of the abstract

First author’s name (e.g. Mustapha yahiaoui)1, Second author’s name2, … etc. 1First author’s affiliation, City, Country; 2Second author’s affiliation, City, Country; … etc.

The abstract con be in Arabic, French or  English and must fit within one-A4-page including any figures or tables, using the format and style described in this template. Use page margins of 25 mm on all 4 sides. Use font type Times New Roman size 12 ponts.

Title of the abstract (14 points, bold, centered) is followed by one blank line. The presenting author’s name should be underlined but does not have to be the first name listed. Author’s affiliations (12 points, italic, centered).

Abstract text (12 points) paragraphs separated by one blank line. References should be indicated in the text in parentheses and listed at the end of the abstract (12 points) (e.g. Hamadache and al., 2017). Figures and / or tables should be placed after the abstract text and before the references list. Any Tables should not include vertical lines.


The authors are free to create the papers according to their preferences and knowledge, but the Publishing Manual of APA, 4th and/or 5th ed., editing style is recommended for all contributions, as well as the Harvard reference system.


The paper should not exceed maximum of 12 pages (including title, authorship, affiliations, abstract, key words, body of the text, tables, figures or any other graphical illustrations, and references).


Print the Title of the paper in capital letters (AR, 14 pts, bold, spaced 1.5), centered; a single blank line follows. Please.

In the text, the references should include the family names of the authors and the year of publication; when three and more authors are referred to, introduce the first author and use the abbreviation „and al.”; at the end the contribution, the references should be listed alphabetically. Please, do not number the sections or subsections.

Tables, graphs and figures

Black and White illustrations should be incorporated in the body of the text. Tables (Arial Narrow, 10 pts; referred in the text as Table and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in a single series)..


Posters preferably measuring 100×70 cm, will be on display during the Congess. They should be structured in the same manner as the integral paper, but must  be easily legible from a distance of at least 2 meters. All issues concerning layout of posters are the responsibilities of the authors.

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